Cyber Security

Google Cloud Platform (GCP) Security

Most of the organizations are either started using cloud services or migrating to the cloud. First and the most important decision-making point before migrating the applications to the cloud is, how this transformation will impact the data security and compliance to the applicable regulatory requirements to my business? Most of the prominent cloud service providers like Google (GCP), Amazon (AWS)…

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Cloud, Cyber Security

Security Features – AWS and Azure

The rapid changes in technology have profoundly changed how we interact, communicate and live our day to day life. This has also drastically changed the way business and governments are providing services to consumers and citizens. Inter connectedness and mobility has significantly changed the consumer expectations, regulators are trying to impose compliance requirements to protect citizen’s data as we well…

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Cyber Security

How Well Countries Are Prepared To Combat Cyberwar?

Earlier we discussed what is GCI and how it is determined. In this article, we will see how the countries are getting benefitted by the GCI. In today’s interconnected world when attack vector is ever increasing and threats are dynamic the quote of Dolly Parton is very well applicable. We cannot direct the wind, but we can adjust the sails…

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Cyber Security

What is Global Cyber Security Index (GCI) & How To Use It ?

Sabotaging smart grids, health care, and transport and communication systems sitting at the other end of the globe is an attractive target to get countries to their keens without involving military.  We have witnessed the dress reharls of these attacks for some time. Recently we have witnessed massive ransomware attacks like Petya /NotPetya and Wanncry hit more than 300 countries,…

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